Albuquerque, NM

TThe Los Padillas Aquatic Center and Park is located on approximately eight acres near Isleta Road and I-25. The site is a central asset to the Los Padillas community with its existing community center and health clinic. RMKM designed the Los Padillas Master Plan for Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation Department and is currently designing Phases I and II of this key site. Phase I includes the Aquatic center, site improvements and parking. Phase II will provide a soccer field, basketball and tennis courts, playgrounds, outdoor amphitheater and an interpretative ‘heritage walk’.

The Aquatic Center will offer the summer visitor ample sun deck areas and shaded verandas with concession services. Incorporated into the design is a traditional lap pool that cascades into the children’s water play and slide area. The architectural expression of the facility respects the regional architectural tradition of the south valley while incorporating cutting edge construction techniques and design aesthetics.

The Los Padillas Aquatic Center and Park represents an important expansion to the social and recreational amenities of this South Rio Grande Valley community.