White Rock, NM

The new White Rock Branch Library and Youth Activity Center are now a focal element along NM4 which is the gateway to Bandelier National Monument. By placing the building at the corner a synergistic relationship developed between the new library and the existing youth activity center which both had exterior program activities identified in the program. The project budget of $3,800,000 included the construction of the new 10,760 GSF branch library, renovations to the existing 3,250 GSF metal building Youth Activity Center (YAC), and extensive site improvements. Site development included a public entrance plaza, book drop, pick up and drop off for the YAC, and outdoor activities for both facilities.

Located in a prominent location at a major intersection (important master planning goal) adjacent to existing Youth Activity Center to facilitate access and create bleacher seating area for outdoor performances, rerouted and buried electrical transmission lines, outdoor reading areas for library and outdoor play areas for Youth Activity Center, interactive musical instruments along pathway, exterior drive up book drop, harvested and reused existing basalt boulders as landscape elements, and native plant materials used to tie into the adjacent Piñon Park.

Mark Rohde, FAIA

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